I have a question for you: 

Hi I'm Jason

I’m a producer.

I wish I could call myself something simpler like say a writer, because describing what a producer is, well it's not so simple.

Some of my clients think of me as their online publicist, others refer to me as their EP ("executive producer" I know fancy right?) still others call me their online or social media marketing guy. Some folks call me a content marketing consultant and some call me handsome. 

Put simply?

I'm here to clean up the way we communicate.

Because more and more often it's not so much the message as it is the medium, althought don't get me wrong your message is still very important. The point is while being understood is a beautiful thing, being found and standing out are too.

And I like to help with all of that. And if you run your own business, like me — these are also profitable things.

Here we go

Everything you shared, every word you wrote or spoke, or picture or video you shared — left the world in better condition than when you found it?

And what if everyone else on the planet shared that way too?

What if you could ask for what you want — and get what you need — while giving, not taking?

What if every conversation was a positive sum game?

If you’re desire is to making that kind of connection and meaning, then you’re my kind of people.

Here we go …

I write about stuff I love, find fascinating or am just plain excited about. Sometimes I write about things I've struggled with though too.

I work and play with people who are excited by their work and ideas like business owners, entrepreneurs, startups coaches and teachers.

During my (now somewhat infamous) VELOCITY sessions, I channel your story into business + marketing language. That you can use. Right away. Like, on your website.

For this service, I am often booked up to one year in advance. Which never ceases to bewilder + amaze me. (I am grateful.)

I teach people how to share about themselves and their businesses using video, audio and found content as a tool to carry their business + career forward more effectively. Faster.

This year, I’m creating some new cool online workshops And sharing all kinds of sweet techniques that will make sharing about yourself + your work a whoooole lot easier and actuallyt fun.

I know 

I wish 

I dream about flying. And eating sushi. And kiteboarding. And eating steak. So, basically, I dream about my life. Plus flying. (Although, I used to fly helicopters. But that’s another story…)

I BELIEVE that generosity is the secret to success. Except that it’s not a secret. Just something we often forget.


I WANT to meet RuPaul and have a sleepover party. Stephen Fry is invited, too.

As for you?

I hope someday (soon) we'll get to meet and work on something amazing and exciting together.

Well, I think that’s enough about me for now.

(Nah just kidding. Here’s more.)

(If you're looking for the snappy, media-friendly low-down on who I am and what I do, here’s that, too.)


What's Next?

You can …

LEARN some secrets about me. (Not really.)

EXPLORE the product and services I offer over in my shop.

Contact me 

… and follow me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram, Pineterest, YouTube, 

- j 

What if... 

Everything you shared, every word you wrote or spoke, or picture or video you shared — left the world in better condition than when you found it?

And what if everyone else on the planet shared that way too? Kill the noise and stop the interruptions.

What if you could ask for what you want — and get what you need — while giving, not taking?

What if every conversation was a positive sum game?

If you’re desire is making those kind of connections, contributions and meaning, then you’re my kind of people.